Smart Logistics

In Smart Logistics we want that our clients focus on their operations, leaving in our hands their material handling and other activities, reducing business OPEX (rents, salaries, software, machinery, etc.) and transforming the fixed-costs into variable-costs, improving the capability of adaptation due constant changes inherent to industry and commerce.

Quality politics

At Smart Logistics, we are committed to providing specialized and personalized logistics services that allow us to:
a) Guarantee the satisfaction of our clients,
b) Meet the needs and expectations of our interested parties,
c) Comply with the legal requirements and others applicable to our sector,
d) Protect our supply chains from criminal activities, to minimize the risks of contamination of shipments, smuggling of illicit goods, cyber attacks, terrorism, arms trafficking, and human trafficking.
Through resource management to achieve objectives and continuous improvement of our ISO 9001 Quality Management System and CTPAT safety program.

Safety is everyone's responsibility

3 CG GROUP S DE RL DE CV recognizes our company's commitment to maintaining the highest level of security for the well-being of our facilities. Security remains an integral part of our culture and business processes.

3 CG GROUP S DE RL DE CV has developed and maintains a multi-layered security program that is consistent with our CTPAT minimum security criteria, and remains committed to protecting our organization and supply chain from any illegal acts or illicit activities.


Let us solve your problem.

1Lack of warehouse area
Incorporate or increase a warehouse area to the businesses
2Seasonality operations (Over stocks)
No costs incurred when seasonality arises
3Companies with non or limited presence in the area
Capability to increase/start operations in the region with a warehousing involved;
4Recurrent and high freight costs
Reduce freights costs / Consolidated loads
5Lack of warehouse personnel
No Labor liabilities and responsibilities involved
6None or deficient inventory controls
Inventory control (W.M.S.)
7High fixed costs
8Lack of a secure warehouse
Security - C.C.T.V.